Internship Experience Survey

Introduction: How effective do you find the orientation process at the beginning of your internship?

Introduction: How effective do you find the orientation process at the beginning of your internship?

Min 0
Max 10

Clarity of Expectations: Are the objectives and expectations of the internship clearly communicated to you?

Clarity of Expectations: Are the objectives and expectations of the internship clearly communicated to you?

Min 0
Max 10

Support and Guidance: How would you evaluate the level of support and guidance provided by your supervisor/mentor currently?

Support and Guidance: How would you evaluate the level of support and guidance provided by your supervisor/mentor currently?

Min 0
Max 10

Mentor Relationship: How do you describe the quality of your relationship with your internship mentor?*

Mentor Relationship: How do you describe the quality of your relationship with your internship mentor?*

Min 0
Max 10

Work Environment: How do you find the work environment and culture during your internship?*

Work Environment: How do you find the work environment and culture during your internship?*

Min 0
Max 10

Feedback: How would you rate your satisfaction with the constructive feedback you receive on your performance?*

Feedback: How would you rate your satisfaction with the constructive feedback you receive on your performance?*

Min 0
Max 10

Task Relevance: How relevant are the tasks assigned to you in relation to your field of study or career goals?*

Task Relevance: How relevant are the tasks assigned to you in relation to your field of study or career goals?*

Min 0
Max 10

Overall Satisfaction: How satisfied are you currently with the overall internship experience?*

Overall Satisfaction: How satisfied are you currently with the overall internship experience?*

Min 0
Max 10

Recommendation: Would you recommend this internship program to others based on your experience so far?*

Recommendation: Would you recommend this internship program to others based on your experience so far?*

Min 0
Max 10

Room for Improvement: What could be improved in the internship program?*

Room for Improvement: What could be improved in the internship program?*