Continuous improvement
Anonymous questionnaire

Which department do you belong to*

Which department do you belong to*

Overall Satisfaction: How satisfied are you with your overall experience working at Helexia ?*

Overall Satisfaction: How satisfied are you with your overall experience working at Helexia ?*

Internal communication: what works well?*

Internal communication: what works well?*

Communication : What information/document (in general or specific) do you need to do your job properly?*

Communication : What information/document (in general or specific) do you need to do your job properly?*

Communication : What information is frequently missing from Dynamics that impacts your work? *

Communication : What information is frequently missing from Dynamics that impacts your work? *

Internal communication: what's going wrong?*

Internal communication: what's going wrong?*

Internal communication going wrong: how can this be improved according to you? Describe the solution (idea, process, document, ...) that you think is needed. *

Internal communication going wrong: how can this be improved according to you? Describe the solution (idea, process, document, ...) that you think is needed. *

What video trainings do you need ?*

What video trainings do you need ?*

What should be automated ?*

What should be automated ?*

What meetings do you need ? (hand-overs, interdepartemental collaboration, ...)*

What meetings do you need ? (hand-overs, interdepartemental collaboration, ...)*

Which data, tasks, kpi's, or overview do you need on your main dashboard ?*

Which data, tasks, kpi's, or overview do you need on your main dashboard ?*